Why Pastors Need Fellowship With Other Pastors

National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series: Planning Fellowship among pastors from different local churches and towns, especially those without denominational or network affiliations, offers numerous benefits that contribute to personal growth, spiritual well-being, and effective ministry. Here are some reasons why pastors might seek fellowship with peers outside their immediate local context: 1. … Read more

How to Start a Christian Jail Visitation Ministry

National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series Starting a Christian jail visitation ministry can be a powerful way to bring the love and message of Christ to incarcerated individuals. Here are some steps to help you get started: 1. Prayer and Discernment: Begin by praying and seeking God’s guidance in starting a jail visitation … Read more

Ministry of Writing Letters to Inmates

National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series Writing letters to inmates can be a meaningful form of ministry for Christian ministers. It provides an opportunity to offer spiritual support, encouragement, and guidance to individuals who may be facing difficult circumstances and seeking a connection with their faith. Here are some guidelines to help Christian … Read more

Ethical Frameworks for Ministry

National Association of Christian Ministers Leadership Series Christian ethical frameworks encompass various approaches to moral decision-making and behavior based on Christian principles and teachings. While there are different perspectives within Christianity, here are some key ethical frameworks commonly found within the Christian tradition: 1. Divine Command Ethics: This framework holds that moral standards are grounded … Read more

Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Ministry

National Association of Christian Ministers Leadership Series Navigating ethical dilemmas and making wise decisions in Christian ministry is essential for maintaining integrity and honoring God’s principles. Here are some steps to help you in the process: 1. Ground Yourself in Scripture: Develop a solid understanding of biblical principles and values. Regularly study and meditate on … Read more

How to Balance Personal Life with the Demands of Ministry?

National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series: Ministry Balancing personal life with the demands of Christian ministry is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and effectiveness. Here are some strategies to help achieve that balance: 1. Establish Boundaries: Set clear boundaries between your personal life and ministry responsibilities. Determine specific times and days for personal … Read more

How to Become a Christian Chaplain

National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series: Ministry   To become a Christian chaplain, there are several steps you can take. Keep in mind that the specific requirements and processes may vary depending on your location and the organization you wish to work with. However, here are some general guidelines: 1. Personal Reflection and … Read more

Tips for New Christian Ministers

National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series: Planning   Here are some tips to help you navigate your role and ministry effectively: 1. Develop a strong spiritual foundation: Prioritize your personal relationship with God through prayer, studying the Bible, and cultivating spiritual disciplines. Your own spiritual growth and well-being are crucial to effectively ministering … Read more

Top 10 Mistakes Pastors Make in Planting Churches

The National Association of Christian Ministers conducted a survey of ministers from a wide variety of backgrounds asking this question: What are the top 10 mistakes pastors make in church planting?  The responses were collected and reviewed by a smaller team of diversely selected ministers to chose the 10 responses that they thought were most … Read more

Outline for a Minister’s Resume

  National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series: Ministry   I. Personal Information – Name – Contact Information (address, phone number, email) II. Education – List all degrees earned, including the name of the institution and the date of graduation – Relevant coursework or classes taken III. Ministry Experience – List all ministry positions … Read more