Our values represent the essence and personality of our fellowship. They are the standards by which our culture and unity are kept. Please make careful note of them. We will not compromise our statement of faith or ministry values… Continue to Ministry Values
Our Confirmation of the Priesthood of all Believers
Protestantism is a Christian system of beliefs that resulted in the independent separation of believers from the authority of the Catholic Church. This event in church history was not intended to condemn Catholics, but rather to declare independence to practice Christianity apart from the government of Catholicism… Continue to Priesthood of all Believers
Discerning a Calling to Ministry
In the journey of faith, discerning a call to Christian ministry stands as a pivotal moment that shapes the trajectory of one’s life and service. This sacred calling is deeply personal, yet universally impactful, extending beyond individual fulfillment to the broader mission of the church. How, then, does one discern this call?… Continue to Discerning a Calling
Our Elders
The NACM recognizes State and Local Elders as those who have been called to a time and season to impart the spiritual blessing of ordination by the laying on of hands. They serve as an encouragement to the Body of Christ within the fellowship of the NACM (especially to members in the States where they are appointed)… Continue to Our Elders
Our Legal Existence
On March 26th, 2009, the National Association of Christian Ministers was formally acknowledged as a legal entity in the State of South Carolina by Secretary of State Mark Hammond. This status continues. Further, it was formally recognized by the Federal Government of the United States as a legally filed Service Mark and continues in this status. On September 26th, 2018 the NACM was recognized as a church established in the State of SC. Since that time, God has continued to show great favor for the vision and members of our organization… Continue to Legal Existence
Validity of Ordination
First, it should be clarified that ordination with the NACM is not necessarily “online ordination.” We have Elders all over the U.S. and even in some foreign countries. Their purpose is specifically for offering the “laying on of hands blessing” to people who have recognized ordination status with the NACM. In such cases, ordination is a hands-on experience… Continue to Validity

What Is an Ordained Minister?
Defining Ordination
Ordination is the acknowledgment by a community of believers that a person has been called to ministry; accompanied by their commission to advance the cause of Christ. In our case, people ordained with the NACM are commissioned by a community of ministers… Continue to Ordination Defined
Meeting the Requirements
Requirements to be Recognized as a Minister by the National Association of Christian Ministers… Continue Requirements
Licensed vs. Ordained Minister?
The terms minister license and ministry license are common descriptions of the status where a minister has been given religious recognition (by faith) to conduct spiritual leadership within the presence of fellow believers… Continue to Licensed vs. Ordained
Annual License Renewal
Annual renewal is the process of confirming a minister’s connectedness with their ministerial fellowship. Among the many reasons for its necessity, here are a few core points. It demonstrates that our ministers are actively pursuing ministry; confirming that they are not: deceased, mentally declining, incarcerated, a registered sex offender… Continue to Annual Renewal
Ministry Titles
The title “ordained minister” is used to describe a person who has been recognized as having been called to ministry by God. Titles such as pastor, evangelist, bishop, etc. are used to describe the roles in which an ordained minister serves… Continue to Titles
How We Ordain Ministers
Technically speaking, only God can ordain ministers. It is He who calls, and it is His Spirit that appoints spiritual gifts to whom He wills. For this reason, we make no claim to ordain people, but rather in granting ordination we recognize the call to Christian service (ordination) that God has already placed on someone’s life… Continue to How We Ordain
Starting A Church vs. A Ministry
Often people sense a call of God to ministry. In response to the call, they find themselves not knowing whether to start a church or a ministry. The best way to approach this question is to consider the differences between the two… Continue to Church vs. Ministry

21st Century Ministry Training
The world is quickly changing. The need for church leadership training is greater now than ever before. Pastors are experiencing burnout at alarming rates. We offer church leadership training that truly qualifies ministers as students of the Word, approved unto God for the work of the ministry (2 Tim. 2:15). Our courses are developed by prayer, attention to Godly wisdom, and leaders with concrete education and experience in the field. Further, our confidence is in God alone to use the Holy Spirit to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) needed to be good stewards of the power of God. All courses are listed… Continue to Ministry Training

Wedding Ministers
Authorization to Officiate Weddings
Authorization depends totally upon the U.S. State and county where the marriage takes place. In many States, ordained ministers may conduct (legally binding) marriage ceremonies without the requirement to register with the county. However, marriage laws vary from State to State… Continue to Authorized Officiants
USA Requirements for Wedding Officiants
Find the laws for ministers in all 50 States. It is the responsibility of the officiant to know the laws which regulate the State (and sometimes county) where they provide services… Continue to USA Laws
There has been much debate over the question of women serving as pastors and or ordained ministers. We agree that this is a complicated subject that requires careful consideration of scripture. We also agree that the spirit of Paul’s teaching permits women to be appointed as ministers… Continue to Ordination of Women
The short answer is “yes.” Our organization recognizes God’s call of divorced people to ministry. We believe that some of the church’s interpretation of the matter both denies the power of God to forgive sin, and lacks sound reasoning. God permits divorce, forgives sin, and calls divorced ministers by His grace… Continue to Ministry After Divorce
Should they not be permitted to serve if disobedient children disrupt their homes? The answers to these questions exists in terms of how the word “unruly” is defined, and what part the minister plays in the child’s behavior. How old are the children -are they adults? Does the minister acknowledge or deny the disobedience of their children?… Continue to Unruly Children